Social media & email marketing highlights

Enlightened Economy Summit virtual conference

Enlightened Economy Summit (EES) is an event series hosted by MacEwan University, in collaboration with BDC and Net Impact. EES gathers people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences with one thing in common – a desire to make a positive impact in their community.

To promote the series, I developed a social media strategy that focused on three objectives:

  1. Promote event programming

  2. Strengthen the EES brand

  3. Inspire our audience to get involved in social causes

Below is a collection of static and video posts published on the EES Instagram Account.


MacEwan University Campus Services

Audience growth strategy

As a Marketing and Communications Consultant for MacEwan University (former role), I oversaw the social media and email marketing strategies of all MacEwan University Campus Services business units.

As students returned to campus in Fall 2021, after a year of remote learning, I seized the opportunity to increase the size of our audiences on Mailchimp and Instagram. I enlisted the help of five MacEwan departments to host two simultaneous online giveaways, featuring prize packs valued at hundreds of dollars.


Each of our departments gained 400 new followers to their Instagram accounts in less than two weeks. This marketing effort also enabled each department to add 485 new student emails to their email newsletter list.

See below for an overview of the campaign marketing collateral.

Campaign Collateral

Our team designed the below poster for use on campus bulletin boards and at in-person engagement events. The QR code directed students to a basic Mailchimp landing page that laid out the prizes in detail.

The above poster was added to bulletin boards across campus and displayed at various engagement events.

We intentionally chose a minimalist design for the contest landing page that aligned with the simple user journey. The content re-presented the information from the poster and included a one-field information form.

In tandem with the email contest, we launched a social media giveaway that followed the standard “like, follow and tag” formula often used on the Instagram platform.

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